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Gen Ihijirika As part of Lieutenant General OA Ihejirika’s passion to contribute to learning, he left a legacy as a member of the Directing Staff and Staff Officer Grade 1 Training and Exercises at the Armed Forces Command and Staff College. In 1994, he conceived the idea of having a library in the Department of Land Warfare and actualized the establishment. In 2011, as the COAS, he approved the upgrading of the library from manual to an electronic structure. On accomplishment, the electronic library was named after him in recognition of his vision, selfless service, unique leadership qualities and model support to the Armed Forces Command and Staff College. Today, the library is fully equipped with modern information communication and technology facilities. This drive is in line with a quote by Carlos Marla, a famous academician and books collector, which is to build library is to create life and remove darkness from the blind.
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(Ihejirika Department of Land Warfare, AFCSC Jaji Deployed by Arrowhead Innovation LTD )